We would like to inform you of the Judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding public access to the UBO Registries of legal entities. Based on the Judgement of the Court, Article 1(15)(c) of Directive (EU) 2018/843 which provides for the information on the beneficial ownership to be accessible in all cases to any member of the public, is invalid.

It is highlighted that the invalidity concerns only the provisions on public access and not the obligation to collect, submit and update UBO information on the Registry, which are still in force.

The full text can be found in the below link:


For more details, please contact:

George Yiallourides                                                                 
Managing Director                                                                    
T: 0035725443132                                                                   
E: yiallourides@ayca.com.cy     

Yiannis Charalambous                                                                 
Tax Manager                                                                    
T: 0035725443132                                                                   
E: ioannis@ayca.com.cy