Рубрика: Без категории

Intellectual Properly

Amendments to the IP Box regime in Cyprus

in Без категории

A. Introduction

The Cypriot Government has presented to the House of Representatives this week amendments to the income tax laws in order to bring the Cypriot legislation on the taxation of the income from the exploitation or sale of intangible assets, in line with the provisions of the OECD BEPS Action 5 and within the new EU rules on the subject.

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Group Financing

in Без категории

Cyprus Tax Authorities have announced the intention that minimum margin scheme for Group financing will be abolished on 1 July 2017. Current regime was regulated according to the correspondence between the commissioner of Tax Department and the Taxation Committee of ICPAC dated 4 July 2011. According to the current legislation, minimum accepted margins for intra-group financing range between 0.125% – 0.35%

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